Our Story

Here at Distinctly Montana, we are constantly in awe over Montana's beautiful people, places, and scenery. We are a family business and everyone in our family has been involved with Distinctly Montana in some way. From the left to the right is Bill, Will, Lisa, Anthea (that's me!), and Eric. We love living in Montana and feel fortunate to have a magazine where, teamed with professional writers, graphic artists, editors, and photographers, we get to showcase this exceptional place that we have called home for the past 16 years.
While traveling around the state for the magazine, I have had the opportunity to meet many truly talented artists and artisans. The idea of opening an online store to offer the very best of Montana-made products has been lingering in the back of my mind for some time now. I meet these unique crafters of fine art items in all sorts of settings; from galleries, farmer's markets, and funky MT towns to our cities, on the web, and even in off-the-grid studios tucked away in canyons with gravel roads miles away from asphalt and other people. No matter where I meet these artists, I tend to hear similar responses regarding the business aspect of their art: "I am a lot better at creating what I sell then selling what I create."
My thought is "why not give them the spotlight?" in our very own Distinctly Montana store, where we have lovers of Montana reading our magazine, visiting our website, www.DistinctlyMontana.com, and following us on Facebook and Twitter. Let's give these truly gifted artists the center stage and offer their items to those who appreciate handcrafted and high quality gifts with a western flair.
This labor of love and gratitude is new for us and we invite your comments on ways to improve your shopping experience.
-Anthea, Founder