Distinctly Montana Magazine Yearly Subscriptions

You can now subscribe to our print magazine for yourself or gift to someone else. You can now also manage your subscription using our online system, or call our dedicated subscription customer services representatives using the contact info below. You can see how many issues you have left, extend your subscription, update your address, and more!
Click here to subscribe!
Kindly note that any discount codes from Distinctly Montana Gifts cannot be used for magazine subscriptions.
To subscribe and pay by check:
Please send a check for amount listed on the order page to:
Distinctly Montana Magazine
PO Box 84
Bozeman MT 59771
If you would any assistance or have any questions regarding magazine subscriptions, please contact us at:
Phone: 406-600-7660
We thank you very much for your support of our small but mighty Montana magazine!
Distinctly Montana magazine is the only state-wide Montana magazine. Every issue is filled with all that is BEST about Montana- Feel the Adventure, Inspiration & Spirit of Montana and discover the Old West and New West in every issue.
We strive to be the best there is. We invite you to explore all our back issues before you give us your hard-earned money for a subscription to our coffee table-worthy print magazine. Check out all our back issues at https://digital.distinctlymontana.com – you’ll be glad you did!
A 1-Year Subscription includes 4 seasonal issues below.
- Spring published on March 15th
- Summer published on June 15th
- Fall publishes on September 15th
- Winter published on December 15th