'Treasure Crate' Montana Made Breakfast Gift Box

Cream of the West

A Treasure Crate from the Treasure State! Grown and made in Montana.  This organic and nutritious whole grain gift basket is a treasure chest of breakfast delights! The Treasure Crate includes a trio of hot cereals, a bag of 7-Grain Buttermilk Flapjack Mix, a bottle of rich Chokecherry Syrup, a jar of golden Sweet Clover Honey, plus some Montana Crunch snack mix. We pack it all into a handmade gift crate. That's whole-grain goodness wrapped in lots of great breakfast choices.

IS THIS A GIFT? Want a gift card placed?  Here is what to do:

1.  On the page of the item you want......Click ADD TO CART

2   Click SHOPPING CART ICON in the upper right hand corner of your screen

3   Place your message where it says "Order Notes"

4   We do not include receipts in any of our packages.

5   If you have more than one address for multiple items - you can add each in "order notes" or you can send us an email at:  hereforyou@distinctlymontana.com  

FLAT RATE SHIPPING 14.95 in Continental U.S. 
Made to Order. Ships within 2-3 days.


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